Prepping, not as taboo as it used to be. Odd isn’t it? (an observation)
Isn’t it odd that,
Before 911 or 7/7 Preppers were ridiculed, mocked and abused, and our stockpiling was condemned as hoarding, our efforts at self reliance as “odd” and we were seen as selfish fear mongers.
After 911 or 7/7 The Establishment ( globally) sort of tolerated prepping and many governmental and NGO agencies started suggesting citizens to build their own Disaster Emergency Kits and store supplies to weather storms and disasters, but we were still looked down upon by the MSM and many establishment types as being radicals outside of civilised society.
But in this Covid 19 crisis we see NO ONE is mocking preppers any more, not even cynical governments or TV hosts, Almost every agency issues PLANS FOR CITIZENS to build Bobs and Caches and they open encourage everyone to BE PREPARED.. Articles in globally respected new papers state openly Preppers were right to get ready for the unforseen.
Now just about every celeb, billionaire and many of our ruling elites are now ardent preppers…. just like us.
I think that over the last 20 years we have proven our community and its beliefs to not only being RIGHT, but pretty darn essential in these strange times.
I dont want to say ” I told you so” but I am thinking it. BUT I also know NOW that I NEED to learn and interact with others on forums exactly like this one.
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