News for the Week 2024-11-18

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  • Comments (2)

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      Bird flu case in Vancouver, BC.   Apparently I am terrible at getting items copied for posting.  In any event, if you check, on  November 13th there was an article on CNN & also a statement from the Public Health Agency of Canada.  The patient in question is very ill.  While this is the first case, transmission is unknown.  Will this develop into another COVID scenario?  I certainly hope not, but viruses are tricky.  I work in healthcare ( retiring next month – Yay!) and was hip deep in COVID patients for the better part of two years.  I will tell you, from my perspective, that the healthcare system in the U.S. is still understaffed.  I believe that will continue to be the case as the general population is aging & healthcare jobs are not the most attractive to the younger generation for various reasons so we will struggle with filling positions.

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        I strongly suspect the H5N1 flu will turn into a human pandemic eventually. I hope I’m wrong.