Community rules, moderation policies, and FAQ
This forum is a place for anyone to talk about prepping — not for preppers to talk about anything.
This forum is heavily moderated. We wish that wasn’t necessary and we’ve fought to protect free speech. But the internet can be an unkind place, especially when dealing with topics that touch survival, politics, firearms, and so on.
To create the best space for the most people, we actively enforce these policies and ask for your help in creating a place you’re proud to be a part of — because everyone benefits from stronger, more prepared communities.
Community rules:
- Be civil and kind. Follow the Golden Rule or think about “would this get me fired from my job?”
- Content must be directly related to preparedness.
- Everyone is welcome here regardless of color, orientation, nationality, and so on. That means no bigotry or other slang used to divide people.
- Avoid topics like politics and religion that just tend to cause worthless bickering and flame wars.
- No unfounded conspiracy theories or fake news.
- Debate is encouraged, but do it constructively, cite your facts, and debate ideas, not people.
- No sales or links to sales of legally-controlled items (eg. firearms).
- Do not advocate violence. Discussing self defense is fine.
- Do not out other people, post other’s private information, doxx, etc.
- No copyright violations, blog spam, no-value self promotion, etc.
Please don’t make these kinds of repetitive posts:
- “I’m new here, what do I do?”
- “Thanks for the add!”
- “Are there any preppers in [state]?”
- “What are you prepping for?”
- Personal introductions without value to the community / teaching
No politics
Most people understand the goal: There’s plenty of other places to argue about stuff like politics, and it just distracts from why we’re all here, so let’s avoid it.
But the details get tricky. Many of the risks in our world are in some way related to politics, so it’s hard to talk about preparedness without in some way referencing government and laws.
For example, some local laws don’t allow people to collect rain water on their property. That’s directly related to prepping and worth talking about in the right way.
Let’s look at some examples:
“The US federal government didn’t handle COVID as well as other developed countries.”
That’s fine because it’s factually correct and isn’t worded in a way to attack someone or their supporters. And it ties to preparedness because knowing what our government can or can’t do in an emergency is relevant.
“tRrump made COVID worse.”
That’s not okay. It’s a worthy debate to have in the public arena — in the way holding all of our leaders is appropriate — but it’s too subjective, likely to cause bickering, and will just distract from the prepping conversation. And leave the silly names like “Nobama” and “tRump” at the door.
“I think California made a lot of bad decisions over the last decades when it comes to mitigating wildfires.”
That’s fine. Even though it’s an opinion, it would ideally have some supporting evidence for the claim, and it’s worded in a way that can allow a civil debate.
“Those Commiefornian libtards need to go rake some more forests if they want to have fewer wildfires.”
Not okay, and would likely result in a ban.
Avoiding fake news, conspiracies, and other disinformation
There’s plenty of actual problems in the world — we don’t need to make it worse by adding unfounded or fake problems on top. And we certainly don’t want to aid our enemies who try to pour fuel on these fires to create even more problems within our society.
We’re just as distrustful of institutions like the media and government as you are. But that doesn’t mean the tin-foil-hat person yelling in a Youtube video is correct.
Sandy Hook was real. 9/11 was not an inside job. Fluoride in water is not used for mind control. FEMA is not tapping your computer to find out what supplies you have. And the Illuminati have your best interests in mind — they promise! 😉
The more outlandish a claim, the more we’ll judge if there is any dependable evidence for it. For example:
“The Chinese engineered COVID-19 in a lab with strains of HIV so they could attack the West.”
Maybe that’s true. We don’t know and neither do you. But we do know there is a lot of evidence against that being true, and vice versa, no real evidence supporting it is true. So until there is credible evidence — at which point we would stand alongside you and say “we should talk about this” — that’s not okay to say here.
Remember folks: “Science” is not an opinion or point of view that somehow conflicts with your world-view. Science is just the search for verifiable truth.
We won’t always get it right — but we will always try
Feel free to ask questions or give feedback below about these policies and how we can make them better over time.
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