My, how times and attitudes have changed.
Soooooo I just read this insightful article from the TP blog.
And it got me thinking about how WESTERN values, judgements and opinions have changed since 1990.
Back then at the collapse of the Cold war and Soviet Union we holier than thou westerners looked down our collective noses at how the proletariat of the eastern block lived.
“Har Har Har look at those agricultural Lada cars, they have no fuel injection, no ICE or onboard computers, their suspension systems travel 8 inches to cope with the dreaful roads, isnt it funny watching them being repaired in a barn with a hammer and chisel.”
” My god look how these peasants live compared to us sophisticated westerners with our modern apartments, electronically managed homes, electrically heated homes, air con in everything with our 24/7s, Deli’s, Coffee bars etc on every corner. “
“Just look at the eastern Europeans with their log piles, wood burning stoves, vegetable gardens,fish ponds, smoke houses, pigs, goats, chickens and cattle. They are having to grow and preserve their own food, they are generating their own power, digging bore holes and wells and having to rely on wind pumps to bring the water up. Just look how primative they are with no doctors in the community, everyone has to have self reliance skills because they cannot rely on the state or the system.”
My how we laughed and mocked those easterners who were NOT reliant on just in time deliveries, supermarkets, cops on speed dial, home with only occasional mains utilities.
“Hah, we have perfectly manicured lawns instead of Veg gardens, We have Poodles, Pekinese and electrically heated and filtered pools whilst they keep chickens, rabbits and pigs. We have boundless supplies of fresh water from the Rockies to water the Napa valley and to keep the golf courses in vegas lush and green”. We tamed our wilderness and turned our forests into parks whilst those ignorant peasants woodlands are used to get firewood, make charcoal, still full of Deer, Wild Board, Turkeys, Grouse, Pheasant, Bears, etc. Heck they dont even have power distribution pylons and masts supplying power 24/7/365 they way we have, They have to be ready to weather frequent power cuts. they are so backward in places they have to make their own diesel and alcohol to power their primative cars.
They are so primative and backwards they have learned NEVER to rely on the State, Government or System to keep them fed, watered, illuminated, cool, warm, healthy, clean and mobile…
Is that a worm I see turning? 🙂
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