Canned water is $$$$$-What about seltzer, soda, flavored water for long term storage?
The available info on storing water is to rotate anything in plastic every couple of years. It seems far better to buy water for storage in aluminum cans, but still water in cans like Blue Can Water (guaranteed good for 50 years even when stored in hot conditions) is horrendously expensive to buy and ship. Is there any reliable information out there about storing cans of water that have zero to minimal calories that is “Flavored” or “Carbonated”?
On amazon you can pay $11, shipped free to your home with Prime or minimum purchase, 18 cans of, for example: bubly Sparkling Water, Tropical Thrill Variety Pack, 12 fl oz Cans (18 Pack)
There are many examples similar to this that are readily available, cost $.50 (or less on sale) per can, and should theoretically also be good for decades with no downside since it is, basically, water. If you have a Berkey, Sawyer Mini, Lifestraw, etc. you could also plan on filtering out any thing that may turn “bad” over years of storage.
I may prefer high quality tap water from my municipal supplier, but seems that drinking, washing, cooking with Bubly or Perrier in cans that have been stored in my garage for 12 years beats the heck out of drinking from a polluted ditch.
Staff at The Prepared–Any information on this specific topic? Thanks!
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