Clothing Considerations
Clothing Considerations
When we talk about Prepping Supplies the normal focus in on stockpiling food, fuel and medicines, plus ammo if you live in the US of A. But nearly as important in our plans we need to think about what we will WEAR or USE in the period between a crisis and normal commerce starting up again. That interim period could be many years long and we must plan for that as well if we can.
Let us think about this issue whilst many items of clothing are still very affordable and easily available , If you feel the threat to your own situation could involve a long term disruption what sort of things could you buy now and set aside for future use. Not only could you ensure you have some of the clothing essentials you need but you may end up with a valuable commodity for bartering.
We will focus primarily on personal clothing but will briefly look at other items you may wish to obtain.
The sort of items you may consider worthy of bulk buying could be many and varied but try and think about think you may need that will no longer be easily available.
T Shirts / Undershirts *
Polo shirts*
Vests / Bras / Sports tops *
Underwear briefs / Panties*
Cargo pants or work jeans
Micro fleece Shirts / Cotton shirts
Cargo vests
Fleece sweaters / Hoodies
Woollen sweaters if they are what you like
Fleece jackets
Cotton canvas Work Jackets (Fatigues)
Water proof outdoor jackets
Winter Parka / Coat
Work gloves
Leather belts
Head Scarfs / Bandanas / Baseball caps etc
Work / Hiking / Walking shoes boots and spare insoles.
Sandals / Clogs / Flip flops
*= Multi Packs
I tend to buy “Value” packs from Tesco, Matalan, Makro etc then try them out to see if they are durable, comfortable, and good value for money. You need to check because at times stores will try and sell off some real substandard junk as bargains.
For Example I once bought two packs of Polo Shirts from a well-known store, and even when washed on a low temperature and room dried instead of tumble dried they still shrunk so much they would have fitted my youngest son instead of me.
On a similar point I bought some budget range of walking / approach shoes (UK made as well) from a national retail outlet, they wore out in weeks and had such little internal foot bed support they rapidly become useless.
Let us not forget the children and their expensive but necessary habit of growing.
Hand me downs may become the norm like fleeces etc but some items such as underwear and footwear really need to be obtained in multiple sizes to allow for growth as will maintaining some level of personal dignity for the children.
When the kids grow out of items post collapse do not discard clothing as once washed and cleaned these clothes probably will have much barter value for families with kids who did not prepare as well.
Cleaning and personal hygiene materials are covered in the stockpiling and caching lists. The list of items above is not absolute everyone will have their own list of requirements but can use this list to work from.
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