I have talked with a few firefighters who are friends. They feel comfortable with the location and type of my extinguisher. My extinguisher in my truck is accessible from outside of the bed and works well for me. The only time I forsee it being a problem is if I am pinned in my cab and there are encroaching flames. That is a risk I am ok with with. Mostly, my comment wasn’t to change anyones mind, but share my experience and let people add that to their knowledge base to make more informed decisions or ask different/better questions.
I know this thread has been quiet for a while, but I thought I’d pitch in. I keep my extinguisher in the bad of my truck on a mount. My partner keeps hers in the trunk, although it is a hatch back. I know this might not sit well with some folks. The reason I have them as far from the driver’s seat and outside of the main cabin is because of the possibility of one of them releasing/exploding accidentally. I was working in a starbucks at the time and out of nowhere, the fire extinguisher on the wall exploded. No one was playing with it. The powder went everywhere and it was quite hard to breathe. My thoughts are if this happens while I’m driving it creates a visibility issue as well as the contents of the canister are quite toxic. I don’t really know the likelihood of this ever happening again, but it was a bad enough experience for me that I didn’t want to risk that happening in an even smaller enclosed space and potentially at high speed. Most of the times where an extinguisher would have been useful was for someone else on the side of the highway and once when my friends car engine started on fire (luckily we caught it early and I had just enough of an energy drink left to put it out). Until recently, I have lived in California my whole life and am familiar with the threat of fire. It’s pretty scary. Hope this helped or provided some food for thought.
Thanks for that. I’m gonna see if I can download those to a micro sd card and then just put that in my phone. What a great resource!
I just bought those. They should be arriving today! I got one for each vehicle. 🙂
haha… I had googled it before I asked; however, all I kept coming up with was maps that showed papermills through out the US. I thought I was missing something. We have a number of hiking maps that have a coating on them which I love. The vehicles are always a project. I enjoy working on creating systems for all the “what ifs” that could happen. I was a whitewater raft guide for a long time and my nickname on the river was Mr. Safety. lol. I think it is just in my nature to run possibilities, but more than a few times, when something has went awry, it was always manageable with the gear on hand. The skywarn class is interesting. I started it a while back, but still need to finish it.
Thanks for the info. The vehicle is outfitted pretty well with supplies and emergency stuff. That was one of the first things we did when we got it. I’ve been thinking about adding a cheap ham radio to the car with a mag mount antenna just so she can pull in the most up to date weather info, as cell service is spotty at best. Plus the skywarn folks out here are pretty active and she could potentially get “boots on the ground” info for approaching storms, etc that is a little more specific to where she may be. What is a pulp map? I have never heard this term before.
I didn’t even think about a state atlas! Great idea! Thanks