Our stainless filters now shIp with 100% Silicone plugs Instead of corks. The corks were shipped for about four months when I ran out of the good plugs. 10,000 plugs in stock now.
If you don’t need to have fluoride removed, the Aquacera CeraPlus candles can be purchased. They don’t cost as much, either.
Just to expand a bit on what you just wrote, HCQ by itself has very little direct effect on Covid19. What HCQ does is attach to a cell wall and open a conduit that allows zinc into the cell (a zinc ionophore). Cell membranes block zinc because zinc interferes with RNA replication inside the cell. The cell’s inner mechanisms do not distinguish the cell’s RNA from Covid19 RNA, so both are replicated and the virus multiplies. HCQ gets zinc inside and inhibits RNA replication. The VA did not give zinc to patients, plus they administered HCQ after organs were already damaged. Several countries have Covid19 hospital protocols that recommend HCQ as the first response to patients in the early stages of the disease. Some countries advise starting with Quercetin, another cheap zinc ionophore. Quercetin is available over the counter and on Amazon. I take a small dose daily as a prophylactic, along with zinc, D3, C, selenium and a few other supplements. This is all discussed on Medcram, a respected educational site for medical professionals. My doctor knows my daily regimen and I get checkups every three months.
Jamie, I use a point of entry system similar to the one you use. It does very well at removing sediment and chemicals but does not remove bacteria or fluoride. One option is to purchase an ultraviolet light insert that fits inside one of the blue filter holders. That would kill the bacteria as the water flows through. If you are on municipal water, bacteria would rarely be a problem. Also, unless you purchase a filter element specifically designed to remove heavy metals, this type of system would not remove arsenic, fluoride or other heavy metals. This is why I use a point of use filter for drinking water.
Cynthia, you make good points. There has been a huge disinformation campaign against hydroxychloroquine to paint it as an ineffective and dangerous drug. Nobody wants an effective solution that only costs 10-cents a dose. The UVA study of patient files at the VA showed higher deaths among patients who were given hydroxy… what the “study” failed to mention was that the VA only gave hydroxy… as a last resort to men who were close to death. Had they instead given Jello to those same patients, they could have concluded that those who ate Jello had a higher chance of death, therefore Jello is dangerous. Hydroxy… is an anti-viral drug which, if given in the early stages of Covid-19, has had a very high success rate in stopping the virus. If you wait until the disease has caused pneumonia, scar tissue and blood clots, it has no effect.