In situations where you are facing an invisible, deadly foe as is SARS-CoV-2, and you know precious little about the enemy, or how it kills, much less how to get ahead of its infection rate, it is wise to prepare for the worst possible outcome. If you are government, and your primary responsibility is to provide for the safety and welfare of the people, it is wise to prepare for the worst possible outcome. If you are a family member, and want to protect your loved ones from the ravages of the disease COVID-19, and death, then you must prepare for the worst possible outcome. To do anything less is not only irresponsible, it is reckless endangerment. To put it bluntly, doing anything less is Darwinian in its stupidity, not only in survival of individuals, but also the survival of economies worldwide; for, you cannot have an economy without a healthy workforce with the confidence they will not die or inadvertently kill someone else if they show up to work.