Hi! Nice article 🙂 As an LDS prepper myself, however, I’d like to clear up a few items that are not exactly 100% correct: 1. Sadly, nowhere Close to most “momos” store food. Especially young families. Despite encouragement to do so, things have been so good for so long, that many suffer from “Normalcy bias” and don’t seem to understand that things are about to get real. I’m actually the emergency preparedness person in our ward (wards and Stakes are kinda like parishes and diocese(s) in the Catholic faith) My most recent stats indicate that only 15-20% of our members have any storage to speak of. Sad… I often hear non members say something on the order of “i’m just gonna find a Mormon and show up at his house”- Lol! Don’t waste your time, friends- your odds of scoring aren’t that much better than just picking a random house to loot. LDS members are Not encouraged to join any particular political party- the leadership has a Long history of steering clear of that, believing in the concept of Free Agency. But there certainly have been members that have become active in a few causes that I personally don’t support. But that’s another subject… I Will mention, however, many of us Are Resilient Citizens- of the Sentinel variety- Lol! 2. You absolutely Don’t have to be an LDS church member to order from the LDS website. And no, missionaries will not show up on your doorstep unless they’re requested. By You. Their emphasis is on service these days- a phone call if you need help at home or in the garden will get them to your house or place of business to help for about 2 hrs (each) Thay will usually visit in groups of 2 or 3. If you’re a single woman (like me- I’m a widow) they are told not to enter your home unless you have someone else with you. This is for your protection and theirs. But they will work in your yard and visit with you at your doorstep. They might ask if they could read a scripture at the end of the visit, though. That’s it- seriously 3. The preparedness book you speak of is actually sub titled “Another Voice of Warning”, but the header says “LDS Preparedness Manual”. It is Not published by the LDS Church. It is Christopher Parret’s private, individual contribution to the prepper community. I have it in my library. Many good hints and a lot of quotes from the Old and New Testament as well as some from the Book of Mormon (which is a really amazing book as well and Not a replacement for the Bible which we also study) But I find Parrett to be a bit over the top for my taste. And the book is not free. He eventually wants you to subscribe. The Church DOES put out their own preparedness manual, but it is generally available only to church leaders and commitee chairmen (like me). However, there are a Ton of hints and suggestions on the lds.com website that Anyone can access. I would also refer those interested to “The Provident Prepper” on you tube as well as Jim Phillips’ you tubes and vlogs (jimsway.com) Sadly, Jim passed away last year, but his work is carried on by a few of us that know the importance of his work. Amazing man. Amazing. Impressive military consulting career. Lots of info on securing clean water, emergency power, emergency sanitation, preparing for cold weather in grid down conditions, etc. He has made invaluable contributions to the prepper community. BTW, both the sites I just mentioned are the work of LDS members. 4. The powdered milk you’re unsure about is the Best powdered milk I have Ever tasted! (and I HATE powdered milk normally) It is That good. And as long as you’re not storing it in high temperatures, it Does keep extremely well. But for one more layer of protection, you can seal the bags in Mylar and throw in a couple O2 absorbers.Mail order is the easiest for most people to obtain the food items that the church has available for purchase. Most (except the milk) are packed in #10 cans and O2 absorbers where appropriate for the long term. Oils and fats are unavailable from the storehouse since they are Very delicate and do tend to oxidize much more quickly. You’ll need to find a local source on your own and rotate fairly frequently. Sorry to ramble. Hope this info will be useful to someone. Keep on Preppin! Lady Di