Loved the article. For what is worth, I summarized below ALL the rational reasons for prepping. LIFE DISASTERS YOU MIGHT ENCOUNTER Although our vulnerability varies depending on our personal circumstances (residence, age, gender, health, etc.), no person is immune to emergencies, catastrophes or significant life upheavals. The following list makes for grim reading, but we can be certain to face several of those challenges during our lifetime: 1. Natural disasters– extreme cold: . ice storms . snow blizzards.– extreme heat: . wildfires . droughts, heat waves . dust storms, sand storms.– extreme rain and wind: . rainstorms, hail storms . thunderstorms, lighting storms . tropical storms, tropical depressions, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, medicanes.– flash floods, mega floods, tide surges– mudslides, landslides, avalanches– earthquakes– tidal waves, tsunamis– volcanic eruptions: . lava flow . ash clouds . pyroclastic flow . ash and pumice fallout.– sinkholes – meteor / comet strikes*– electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from solar coronal mass ejections (solar flares)*.* extremely rare but possible 2. Crop failure, resulting from:– soil depletion, lack of fertilisers– diseases and pests (e.g. rats, locusts)– extreme weather events (e.g. droughts, floods) and other natural disasters– civil unrests and wars– climate change.Crop failure may result in a sudden drop in food production, and potentially generate widespread famines. 3. Epidemics and pandemics: a sudden onset of contagious disease affecting people’s health on a grand scale and disrupting social life either as a result of the disease itself (overrun hospitals, mass deaths) or from the precautions put in place to manage it (quarantine, lockdowns, border closures). 4. Technological and industrial catastrophes: accidents that occur where bulky hazardous materials are produced, stored, transported or used. For example:– failure of dams and water reservoirs– leak or explosion at oil, gas, chemical, biological, electrical, nuclear plants– cyberattacks and data breaches.Such disasters may occur due to natural events and/or because of lack of maintenance, incompetence, human errors, sabotage, hacking, civil unrest, wars. Those events can generate explosions and shock waves, as well as widespread and long-lasting contamination and pollution of air, soil and water, potentially resulting in mass deaths and ecosystem collapse. 5. Economic downturns: a direct consequence of the above disasters, of the inherent fragility of an economy (resulting in stock market crash, bubble bust, defaulting on public or private debts), or due to civil unrest and wars. The consequences of economic chaos include:– hyperinflation– currency devaluation (resulting in incapacity to pay for imported food and energy)– insolvency of the state– businesses going bankrupted– mass unemployment– income received by pensioners and social aid beneficiaries plummeting in real value– civil unrest and wars. 6. Civil unrest and wars: attacks on people and property (looting) following from any of the disasters listed above, or arising from social conflicts (strikes, riots, gangs activity, popular protests and uprisings, insurrections, revolutions, terrorism, military coups) as well as from international conflicts (warfare conducted via conventional, digital, chemical or/and nuclear means). 7. Personal disasters that may affect you, your close family or your friends: – chronic illnesses– accidents and injuries with long term effects– family conflicts, relationship breakups (divorce), single parenting– legal battles (child custody, estate division)– unplanned pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions– physical, sexual, mental abuse– behavioral or substance addictions– crushing debt repayments, major financial losses due to bad investments– work conflicts– unemployment (due to redundancy, bankruptcy, workplace damaged or destroyed by any of the disasters listed above)– robberies, break-ins, home invasions– bullying, assaults, rapes, kidnapping– death of family members or friends, including by suicide and murder– home eviction– house fire– hacking and identity theft– unplanned and sudden relocation (forced exile, becoming a refugee)– imprisonment and torture by state and rogue agents. In addition, disasters might compound each other (polycrisis). For example, a severe drought may push two countries sharing a limited water supply into an all-out armed conflict resulting in deaths, destruction of property, economic collapse, as well as pollution from chemical warfare, and masses of refugees becoming victim of famine and diseases.On a personal level, financial problems can create or reinforce poor life choices (e.g. compulsive gambling, alcohol consumption), further compounding money troubles.