Thanks for your reply. It looks like she needs to study a little and get her license. I can shame her into it by telling her that kids can do it. 🙂
Jenny, Hi. Just saw your (indirect) response. Yup. Maybe I can talk her into getting a license. Anyway, I’d like to recommend a really simple CW encoder/decoder by Mark Roberts ( that uses an Arduino. I built one and it works really good. I even fitted it with a LCD 4 line display and a microphone so it can be left on the table and will decode CW coming from the rig’s speakers. Tx is typed normally at the PC keyboard. Can be easily interfaced to any fixed or handheld transceiver.
Ok. Except there is no permit with amateur radio. You either have a license or you don’t. I’ll have to look at Part 97 further. Thanks though.
Here’s a question. I have a ham license and I want to talk to my daughter using handhelds. Say one is my base station and one is my mobile station. Can I talk to her, and have her talk to me even though she does not have a license. It would seem that since I am overseeing the conversation (and I have a license) it’s my responsibility to ensure that the rules of the road are followed with regards to our communication. Anyone disagree and why?