A good thing about the Sawyers is the ability to back wash if they fill up with junk. If you can’t properly clean something like the Life Straw, then it gets harder and harder to suck water through over time.
I’m going through the Survival Hacks book now. The author says to be able to come up with good survival hacks and use every day items in ways to prolong or assist in your survival, you need a innovative thinking and a knowledge of basic survival principles. Which makes sense you need to know what to hack for. The first tip/hack is to turn an old bike tire into a belt. I actually want one now because that would be pretty cool and would last a lifetime. This book looks exciting and I’m looking forward to seeing every day objects in new ways. In a survival situation, you may not have that vessel in which to boil water in and need to be able to improvise with what you got.
Thank you Molly. Something that strangely brought me comfort the other day was seeing that Sri Lanka’s economy has collapsed. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sri-lanka-economy-collapsed-prime-110908748.html] I can’t imagine how horrible that must be for the people who live there, but it does make me think that I don’t have it as bad as them. The article says: “We are now facing a far more serious situation beyond mere shortages of fuel, gas, electricity and food,” . Hope all goes well for them and they can get out of this situation.
What does it look like if you go to a site and it is blocked by your filter?
TBH, I’ve been struggling. It has just been draining to try and keep up with how much of our lives are constantly changing and the constant bombardment of bad news. I try and prioritize my mental health by taking breaks throughout the day and going to therapy and it has been helping.
So the app Ampere allows you to test your cables and see which ones are the best at quickly powering your devices? I have a gallon bag full of old cables, so this would be a good way to weed out the junk cables.
I watched a video testing out popular CLPs for firearms and two products stood out as the best. I will be buying some of these to put in storage to take care of my guns. I can see guns, ammos, and maintenance parts being some of the first items to disappear. BreakFree CLP Clenzoil CLP
I watched a video testing out popular CLPs for firearms and two products stood out as the best. I will be buying one of these next time I need a cleaner, lubricant, and protectant (CLP) to prolong the life of my gun. BreakFree CLP Clenzoil CLP
What you could do is take one or two pounds of lead bird shot in a baggie and tape that to the stock of your rifle and see if you notice any difference with it. Try adjusting it forwards and backwards along the stock until you find the sweet spot. If it does help, then drill a hole into the stock, fill with that bird shot and put epoxy in to seal it and keep the beads from rattling around.
I have two questions to you redneck. It’s nice to see you comingle with so many animals and plants. What is that amplifier called? It sounds interesting. If I do have many bugs around my house, how can I encourage predators like bats or swallows to move in and help remove them?
I bought two head nets in the camping section of Walmart for $2.50 each. They are so lightweight and fold down to nothing, no bug out bag should be without.
If you can figure out the drainage and leaking issues with proper soil composition, an underground house can have many benefits such as an incredibly low heating and cooling utility bill and may be worth the investment. This is something that should be created by a talented contractor though and not your neighbor Joe. Also, consider having ways to get outside often for your daily dose of vitamin D. Staying cooped up in a house with low sunlight will lead to issues such as calcium not absorbing into your bones and depression.
I bought my home 2-3 years ago and don’t know if I have this installed or not. Do you know how I can tell if I have one?
Do not put off dental work. What if a second pandemic happens in 2 months and things are shut down again and you can’t get to the dentist? As soon as you notice something, get it taken cared of. I have family who have gone to dental schools to get work done. They don’t have insurance that covers dentistry and this is the only way they can get the work done that they need.
True… An even better idea would be to get a chicken and for the chicken to thrive off of the aphids or ants and then we get high protein eggs! I think it’s not good to have just one chicken though, it’ll get lonely, so you would have to have a few of them. Might be a bit more work than i thought
I dealt with these large black ants last year that just would not go away. They were all over the patio stones right in front of our front entrance way, so they had to go. I tried all these natural and organic methods first. Just hosing them down, putting rocks over their holes, cayenne pepper, diatomaceous earth, borax, homemade ant traps with a combination of all the above, nothing would work. Finally went to the store and bought some ant pellets that you are supposed to mix in with the soil around the holes and they like it and take it back to the queen who then gets poisoned. Didn’t eradicate them all the way, but got it down to a tolerable level. Winter came, ants gone, happy Jose. Spring is back, and ants are back, unhappy Jose. Going to try the store bought ant poison pellets again.
I saw Roland’s post up there and saw a similar news article today: Woman Bursts Into Flames After Rolling Car Full Of Hoarded Gas Don’t mess with gasoline
For someone who doesn’t have a chain saw or a pole saw, do you recommend me getting a gas or battery powered version to start out with? Seems like the battery versions meet all your needs. And to answer your question, I just have a gas push mower myself Mike.
Nice setup man. Do you know the magnification level of your binoculars? 5X, 10X, 15X…
I am glad I don’t live anywhere near there! That sounds like a nightmare