Thanks for the how-to. That looks delicious!
There’s an old poem about an old man that lived alone in a shack in the mountains. In the winter he drank tea around the clock. In the poem he states that he has a bundle of sticks by the hearth and enough rice for 10 days. I think of that gratitude sometimes.
I started rolling at 46, lost a pound every week for e months, lovely sport.
egg, not eggs
Thank you, that’s perfect. I would like some more recipes for when you really can’t go anywhere and all you have is what you have 🙂 thanks, all!
You should read The Earth Is Enough
Thank you. I have found these too, they are great. I found another one in a similar vein, here: Basically it let’s you create a web page on the fly. I’m trying to think of ways to communicate when things really go bad.
The seasoning won’t come off, only if you scrub the pot. There is a way to properly clean cast iron. The gypsies never washed their pot, just kept adding food and water, sometimes for years.