Insect cuisine
Good afternoon,
In all seriousness, subject topic could be worth researching for some.
Above link has a recipe for the cicada bug.
It’s been reported that confined victims of the Pol Pot “Killing Fields” of Cambodia tried to survive on insects. A few did survive.
Had once taken a survival course and the Edodus story was mentioned whereas one insect … believe the locus/grasshopper was allowed to be consumed. Believe this is now a controversial matter for current times.
My only participation in re insect dining was when I was the all-you-can-eat buffet. They dined on me.
At the article’s end is a “Disclaimer”. Please use the disclaimer also as a warning requiring checking if insects OK for your health condition.
Comments (15)
RedneckContributor - May 17, 2021
Hope I never get to the point that I need to eat bugs. I don’t know what would be worse… the eating of the bugs or the realization I failed as a prepper.
Bradical - May 17, 2021
I follow The Prepared on Reddit and someone on there today linked to a page called Raise Crickets at Home for a Natural High Protein Super Nutritious Food
Bob’s here sharing Cicada cookie recipes
Ubique is over on another thread talking about eating ants
What’s up with you people today!? I’m going to go hang out with Redneck…
Robert LarsonContributor - May 17, 2021
Bradical, we are just following our leader
I don’t think I would mind eating bugs if they were roasted and then ground into a fine flour and added to something. I’ve seen people add cricket powder to bread and make it high in protein.
Bob - May 18, 2021
Good afternoon Bradical,
Although my preference is for Waffle House or a drone-delivered pizza, …… much of all this is about learned behavior.
Over the years, I met people who consumed bugs during WWII. Met a woman in Hong Kong who told me as a child during WWII, she ate bugs for survival.
It does take some learning and training to know which bugs are OK … all are not … but life must go on.
In practical terms all bugs must be cooked due parasites. In my practical training, had never found a large enough quantity to prep a fire or break out the stove. This was training only; had not dined on ’em.
I believe it was in above article I linked here …… The edible bugs can be healthier than the shellfish “bottom feeders”. Again, it is a learned behavior.
Meanwhile, back at the Chinese buffet restaurant, …………
UbiqueContributor - May 17, 2021
Bradical –
I have a true story for you. It involves an insect, but not eating it.
My husband went to our family doctor. The doctor greeted him and said “Hi, how are you doing today?”
He replied, (while looking very sad) “Well actually, I’m not doing too well today.”
Doctor (very concerned) “What’s wrong?”
He (looking very sad) “Well my pet cricket died today.”
Doctor (puts his hand on his shoulder to comfort him) “I am so sorry to hear of your pet dying.” “What did he die of?”
He “He died…he died of restless leg syndrome.” At this point husband bursts out laughing. The doctor stopped for a minute and then joined in laughing.
How he gets away with this stuff….
I have not eaten any aphids or ants yet, but my bug apocalypse got me thinking, other countries eat them and they are high in protein. If we had to forage to survive, who knows what we would eat? As long as their dipped in a ton of chocolate I should be okay. A girl I worked with said she had some insect dipped into chocolate and that it was really good. It tasted and had the snap and texture of a nut with chocolate on it.
UbiqueContributor - May 17, 2021
Good evening Bob,
Great story and topic. Why not look at insects as a form of survival food? Other people eat them and it is mentioned in many survival books. If one is starving, then insect dining could prove to be nutritious.
Many factors from disaster to climate change to crop failures could put us in a bad situation very rapidly.
Thank you for posting this topic.
Bob - May 18, 2021
Good afternoon Ubique,
For survival, yes, the bugs are on the menu.
One of the benefits of being next to the fish pond – the Chesapeake Bay – is fresh food availablitiy, situation dictating. For a disaster evac, baked bugs and wood (no fried food) could work until drone-delivered pizza arrives. Will definitely need some of that Canadian apple juice that’s fermented and then distilled.
There’s a reason Asians and Europeans have some knowledge about dining on bugs.
UbiqueContributor - May 18, 2021
Good evening Bob,
We will lay a Canadian cider pipeline and you can turn the tap as you please.
My curiousity is piqued. You used the word “reason” in the singular for why Asians and Europeans have some knowledge about dining on bugs. That would imply one event that affected both areas. Is it World War II?
Bob - May 18, 2021
Good morning Ubique,
Yes, the war.
UbiqueContributor - May 19, 2021
Good morning Bob,
Interesting. Mom never spoke of eating insects, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t do it. There were parts of her life that she edited and didn’t share until she was in her late 70’s.
Bob - May 19, 2021
Good afternoon Ubique,
It’s probable that your Mom didn’t consume insects. One reason bugs didn’t become part of the Low Countries diet over the decades was that there were less bugs in colder places than elsewhere.
Over the years I’ve read of insect consumption in the Soviet Union and in concentration camps.
In Asia, I was told about this consumption by WWII refugees of war. Also have some docs here on insects for survival in Pol Pots Killing Fields camps.
To refocus to theme for us preppers; …… A perfect benchmark would be that link you posted on the hiker in Utah who self-amputated part of his stuck arm.
The coherent mind, even under max stress, can recalabrate survival priorities. Let’s use our campfire for a batch of baked grasshoppers and sawdust on toasted buckwheat buns.
Paulino Martin - May 19, 2021
Insects are popular sources of food in many Asian and African communities. Guess if you’ve grown up with it being part of your culture you are more likely to follow.
Bob - May 21, 2021
Good morning,
Above link tells of a satellite area of Washington, D.C .restaurant serving cicada tacos. Besides the narrative, there’s a film with some scenes of these bugs.
For dire circumstances it’s worth knowing about this food source. Like much else, the big problem can be making the freshly grated horse radish for this crusine.
Sidebar; Paulino, excellent point re cultural upbringing and diet. I’ve spent most of my working life in Asia and had jelly fish soup and shark fit soup. Would not have had either if I knew what was being served. Always thought that sharkfin soup was a triangle of something floating in a broth. Obviously it wasn’t. Sharkfin soup now illegal in many places. Never had bear paw and never plan to.
Paulino Martin - May 21, 2021
Did either of those soups taste good?
Bob - May 21, 2021
Good evening Paulino,
I clearly remember both were not something I would reorder.
They didn’t taste bad probably because of the various spices in the soup.
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