Be ready for any challenge that comes your way. Choose one of our three unique and expertly crafted preparedness courses. 




are you longing for...

The confidence that no matter what life throws at you, you'll be ready? 

Maybe you've considered preparing before, but you...

Didn't know where or how to start?

Thought it would be outrageously expensive? 

Were scared people would think you were a doomsday prepper?

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be ready to face the uncertainty of this world. And you can do it in a matter of weeks (not months or years) without spending thousands of dollars. We can help you rationally prepare for any and all scenarios, without any politics or craziness involved. 

“Although I normally prefer reading, I was hooked as soon as I watched the first video in this course. I learned a lot even though I’ve been a survival student for over 40 years!"

- Thomas L., The Prepared student

It's your time to get prepared 

Through any of our courses, you can finally start rationally prepping for any and all emergencies in a smart and affordable way. The hours of lessons in each of these courses are taught by experts in their field, each with decades of experience. If you're ready to be prepared, we're here to help. 


Be prepared to tackle any injury you or others may experience on your adventure by diving into our Austere First Aid course. Or, never be without clean water no matter what the environment is after taking our Water Essentials course. Feel well rounded in both of those disciplines? Then check out our Knife Sharpening and Maintenance course to make sure all of your blades are as sharp as can be.

No matter what you dive into, know that your course will come with life time membership, customer support, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Not your average first aid lessons

Normal first aid courses teach you based on the assumption that help is just a phone call away—but what happens when that’s not true and it’s up to you? In this course, you’ll learn how to deal with emergency medical situations and treat a wide range of injuries. This course is equivalent to a one-week-long, in-person Wilderness First Aid class–except it’s condensed into an online series you can watch at your convenience. After just a single day of studying this course, you’ll be able to handle almost any first aid situation imaginable.

Wide range of scenarios
You’ll learn how to handle the kinds of realistic situations you’re most likely to face in life and can actually do something about.

Section 1: Intro

• welcome
• reference & download

• gear used in this course
• bonus: packing a first aid kit

Section 6: Environmental

• altitude sickness
• arthropods
• drowning
• cold injuries
• hypothermia
• heat emergencies
• lightening
• poison ivy, oak, and sumac
• snake bite
• solar keratitis / snow blindness

Section 2: Medical 101

• medical core concepts
• physiology core concepts
• moving patients
• documentation and communication
• legal issues and Good Samaritan laws

Simple, memorable lessons

These teachers have taught thousands of students, including total newbies, so they know how to focus on just the right information in a way that you’ll actually benefit from.

Section 7: Medical Emergencies

• abdominal pain
• allergies / anaphylaxis
• asthma
• chest pain
• dental
• diabetic / blood sugar

• eyes and ears
• flu-like symptoms, fever, cough
• gastro-intestinal
• genito-urinary
• rhabdomyolysis
• seizure
• stroke
• toxins / poisonings
• congrats and feedback

Section 3: Patient Assessment System

• patient assessment system (PAS)

• scene size up

• primary survey

• secondary survey







Section 4: Critical Systems

• critical systems
• circulatory system
• respiratory system
• nervous system

Section 5: Trauma

• musculoskeletal injuries
• dislocations
• spine injuries
• soft tissue injuries

“A cool headed site… emerging as the voice of a movement.”    NEW YORK TIMES - April 24th, 2020



Never find yourself without H2O

Having access to drinkable water is something that we take for granted but in the wake of a natural disaster, this precious resource may be in short supply. In this course, you'll learn the proper methods and locations for storing water during emergency situations, how to locate additional sources of water, and how to purify it for safe consumption. You’ll also learn how to conserve the water you have and how to recognize the signs of dehydration and treat it without professional help.

Prepare ahead of time
You can get your household ready for the vast majority of emergencies with a few simple and cheap steps — even if you’re on a tight budget or in a tiny apartment.

Section 7: Treating

• store-bought treatment products

• DIY improvised treatment

Section 1: Intro

• quick welcome notes
• big picture goals

Section 2: Core Concepts

• how much water do you need to survive?

• contaminants 101

• filtering vs. disinfecting vs. purifying

• comfort vs. health

Section 8: Conserving

• conservation 101

• cooking and showering examples

Survive the emergency

You’ll be able to handle common emergencies just by using what you’ve stored ahead of time. But if things are serious, you might need to find more water, make it safe to drink, and deal with the chaos.

Section 9: Dehydration

• lesson 1

• congratulations and feedback

Section 3: Storing Water

• containers 101
• do you need to use chemical preservatives?
• how to clean containers
• improvised containers

Section 4: Rain & Moisture Catches

• proper rain systems before emergency
• improvised systems during emergency







Section 5: Finding & Collecting Wild Water

• collection tips
• finding water 101
• cold climates
• hot climates
• coastal and salt water

“The Prepared offers useful, non-alarmist advice on disaster prepareness.”    THE GUARDIAN - April 30th, 2020

Section 6: Finding Water in Man-Made Areas

• around your home
• urban and suburban



Make dull knives a thing of the past
In this course, you’ll learn how to sharpen a variety of knives and edged tools. These tools dull with time and use, becoming ineffective and dangerous. If you don’t know how to keep your blades sharp, their usefulness will drop off quickly in an emergency. But you don’t need to throw away your hard-earned money having a professional knife sharpener do this for you–it’s a skill that you can quickly pick up on your own.

Fundamental Skills

We start with the basics and get into hands-on demonstrations with all of the common sharpening gear you’ll find among preppers.

Section 1: Intro

• course goals
• the 80/20 approach
• sharper is safer
• sharpening is a skill, not a product

• a knife is a wear part, & sharpening is contolled wear
• the three ingredients of sharpening

Section 4: Setting The Angle

• inclusive vs. exclusive edge angle
• determining the correct edge angle
• tricks for setting the angle
• keeping the proper tip angle

Section 5: Mousepad & Sandpaper

• selecting materials
• why it's important to start with this technique
• some things to watch out for
• first look: field knife with convex edge
• the theory behind the technique
• sharpening demonstration: field knife with convex edge
• re-profiling a V-shaped edge to a convex edge
• repairing and cleaning up an axe

Save money in daily life

Don't toss out kitchen knives or scissors that just need a few minutes of love, and don't pay others to sharpen them for you. 

Section 2: Knife Basics

• parts of a knife
• edge grinds
• types of sharpness
• types of dullness
• common blade steels
• common handle materials

Section 3: Sharpening Fundamentals

• take your time
• just because you can, doesn't mean you should
• start out slow, then get faster as you get better
• turn variables into constants
• always be testing
• you won't always raise a burr
• know when to quit
• count your strokes
• trailing stroke vs. sharpening stroke







Section 6: Leather Strop

• loading the strop
• stropping technique demonstration
• recurve strop technique

“To prep like a pro, you need to learn from The Prepared.”    

BLOOMBERG - April 16th, 2020



Never prepped? No problem

Whether you've prepped for years or have never even dreamed of starting, our courses can help you. We'll walk you through everything you need to know to prepare rationally and effectively. 

Dozens of lessons

Get 20+ hours of online lessons throughout the 3 courses in this package. Once enrolled, you'll have access to the lessons 24/7 through your lifetime membership.

Dedicated support team

Once you enroll, you'll get access to our dedicated support staff for every step of your journey—whether you have questions about our technology or your prepping lessons. 

Impactful lessons

With over 100+ years of experience between all of our instructors, we're confident that our lessons can truly impact and save lives. We want one of those lives to be yours. 

30-day money back guarantee

We know that the only way for you to know if our courses are right for you is for you to try them out. If you that they're right for you, fantastic! If not, we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Instructors who care

With over 125,000+ members in our community—your teachers cater to all experience levels and genuinely care about helping you become confident and prepared for anything.


Bonus Guides & Checklists

From the perfect go bag to better securing your home from intruders (without spending a fortune), our bonus checklist and guides will take your preparedness to the next level. These lessons are only available through this special Choose Your Adventure sale, and will be included with whichever individual course you choose. 

About the bonus:

3 additional guides and checklists

Valued at $200, these bonuses are yours for free

Written for absolute beginners

Tips & tricks that won't cost you thousands

Level up your knowledge with either our Austere First Aid, Water Essentials, or Knife Sharpening and Maintenance Course. Learn from the best experts in their fields and join our community of 125,000+ rational preppers.

Hours of video lessons taught by our expert instructors

24/7 lifetime access to our courses from any device, anywhere in the world

30-day assurance included if you don't love the courses and access to an incredible support team

3 printable bonus guides that you can take with you on the go—worth $200, yours free!







Cancel within 30 days for a full refund if it's not right for you!

“Checklists and acronyms are hard to remember when this isn’t your day job. The way the lessons explained things in simple language, especially the why behind something, was so helpful.”

- Phillip R., The Prepared student

Who we are & what we believe

Founded in 2018, The Prepared has emerged as one of the largest and most trusted resources on the internet for prepping guides and product reviews. We pride ourselves on the quality–not the quantity–of the content we produce and we regularly update our site to make sure it's up-to-date and accurate.

We’ve been featured in publications like TechCrunch and The Guardian and have been recognized as one of the foremost advocates of the Sane Prepper movement, meaning that prepping should be rational, practical, and cost-effective.

We don't promote conspiracy theories or fear-mongering–instead, we focus on providing actionable information and practical advice that can help you and your loved ones stay safe and secure.

Your expert instructors

Jon Stokes

Co-founder, Ars Technica & Founding Editor, AllOutdoor

Jessie Krebs

Former Air Force SERE Instructor

Tom Rader

Former Combat Medic, USMC & Wilderness First Aid Instructor

Sarib Jot Khalsa

Wilderness EMT & Advanced Ambulance EMT

John Ramey

Founder, The Prepared

Caleb Causey

Former Combat Medic, US Army & Founder, Lone Star Medics

We can help you develop the confidence that comes from being prepared for any scenario!




hours of instruction in our courses

years of experience from our expert instructors

members of our online community

Get prepared for less

On call support

Enjoy easy access to friendly support teams who are ready to provide both technical support and prepping feedback with direct assistance.

Convenient video lessons 

Learn to prep right away! There are no live or Zoom classes—everything is pre-recorded so you can watch at your convenience and on your own schedule!

Resources to help you along the way

All of our courses are jam-packed with tips, tricks, lessons, how-tos, and more. You'll never have to waste time researching materials before going to the next course! 

Lessons for anyone, at any time

It doesn't matter what your experience level, income, location, or politics is–anyone can become a rational prepper, and do so on their own time and schedule through our online lesson environment. 

Learn from the best

Our instructors aren't YouTube influencers or wannabe survivalists. They are experts in their field, and between them all, bring over 100+ years of experience in their fields. 

Prepare in weeks, not years

Through our lessons, you'll learn how to get rationally prepared quickly, effectively, and economically, all from the comfort of your home. Best of all, it will NOT take your life savings to do it. 

Access from any device

All the lessons are professionally recorded. With a website for your courses, all of your content is housed in a secure space, accessible from your tablet, phone, or desktop.

“I learned SO much, even after taking a local Red Cross class. Thank you, thank you.”

- Kristen P., The Prepared student

All in an online environment built for you 

Lifetime access from any device with internet connectivity

Pre-recorded lessons so you can play on your own time

Resources and support at your fingertips 


straightforward navigation

Loved by 22,000+ subscribers

and counting! 

Level up your knowledge with either our Austere First Aid, Water Essentials, or Knife Sharpening and Maintenance Course. Learn from the best experts in their fields and join our community of 125,000+ rational preppers.

Hours of video lessons taught by our expert instructors

24/7 lifetime access to our courses from any device, anywhere in the world

30-day assurance included if you don't love the courses and access to an incredible support team

3 printable bonus guides that you can take with you on the go—worth $200, yours free!







Cancel within 30 days for a full refund if it's not right for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the courses like?

No boring slideshows with someone talking into a cheap webcam! Many scenes are shot on location for a class with more of an in-person feel, where your teacher is talking to a small room of students to explain concepts before getting into demonstrations.

Courses are broken into lessons (eg. “Dehydration”) and their topics (eg. “Symptoms” or “Treatment”). You move through at your own pace and in whatever order you want. Most topics have a main video with additional pictures and text beneath.

Who’s this for?

Total head-in-the-sand beginners, weekend warriors, all the way through experienced preppers advancing their skills. For example, the knife sharpening course isn’t going to make you a professional bladesmith, but it’ll get you close!

But I’m not a prepper

Are you a responsible adult? Gone are the days when most preppers fit into stereotypes. All that matters is you’re aware enough to know life can be hard and smart enough to do something about it. You’ll join a diverse community of kind, like-minded people.

Are online courses right for me?

We won’t offer online courses unless we think it’s just as good as an equivalent in-person weekend course. Some are even better than a week-long 24/7 course. You might want to take an online course so you can warm up at your own pace before your limited and expensive in-person time. Maybe you want to try the cheaper online version first before deciding if you want to go to a more advanced physical course. Or maybe you’ve taken an in-person course and want the digital version as a refresher you can go back to over the years. This course is for everyone! 

How much / what will I learn?

Prepping can be overwhelming in general—and you shouldn’t have to dive into the deep end of a topic just to learn the basics. We focus on Pareto Preparedness, based on the 80-20 “Pareto rule,” so you get the right info you need and none of what you don’t. That way you can get back to enjoying real life … just a lot smarter!

Once you finish a course, you’ll know enough to get you through the vast majority of emergency scenarios you’ll face and you'll be better prepared than 99% of people around you.

How long do I have access? What about updates?

Lifetime access, including free, automatic upgrades for anything we add or change in the future to that course.

What emergencies do you cover?

Modern, sane prepping means focusing first on things that are more likely than a doomsday scenario.

Prepping is about being prepared for anything that could majorly disrupt your life, which might be as simple as a car accident or sudden job loss. Natural disasters are another biggie. These courses are meant to apply to normal life as much as possible, but they also explain what to do in the really bad scenarios.

Can I get my money back?

Sure! If you’re not happy, just let us know within a month and you’ll get a full refund.

2023 The Prepared. All rights reserved