Winter survival kits, extreme cold weather gear, and winterizing your home and car Don't get caught in the cold. Simple tips and gear for preparing your home, car, and emergency bags for severe winters. Read more
Rainy day funds and how much cash to have on hand Tips on making it work for your budget and how to store and conceal cash. Read more
IFAK first aid kit list 37 items to help you survive Medical experts with 180 years of field and teaching experience share this prioritized first aid kit list. Read more
How to make, store, and eat hardtack Cheap, easy to make food that lasts a hundred years. Good for go-bags, vehicles, and home supplies. Read more
Emergency kit / bug out bag list Survival experts break down exactly what to carry in your emergency kit or bug out bag, prioritized by levels. Read more
Why you should use a priority bag system and ignore BOB vs. INCH Why you should ignore concepts like INCH bags and use a priority system. Read more
Bug in vs. bug out: Why your home is always the default choice Avoid the common mistake of focusing too much on bugging out. Read more
How to manually program a BaoFeng radio Baofeng HAM radios can be tricky to manually program, This guide walks you through manually programming a common BaoFeng radio. Read more